, a subsidiary of, offers color POD, (print on demand) software that will take your color manuscript over the Internet from any Windows or Mac compatible computer and publish in book trade quality from 25 to 5,000 copies in less than 7-10 working days.
The success of's online book printing is directly related to the ease of color POD. The custom print on demand software will let an author create and design their book, print to color POD, view their book on the web exactly as submitted, select color book publishing options and place the order from 25 to 5,000 color books direct from their computer to's large color book publishing facility.
Subsidy publishing has come into play as one of the major alternatives out there for writers who want to get published. Color children's books, custom color photo albums and custom color yearbooks are all specialties of IPC. For more information on our color online book printing options please see the self publishing link.
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